- Fylld med en massa idioti
- På Max
- Jag blev tagen på sängen, baby
- We didn't break up. We never started
- Vill tacka för tiden vi haft men fuck allt du sagt, att du vart i min famn varje natt gör mig kallden brinnande bilden av oss, den håller mig varm.
- Dagens outfit
- I push people away, it's something I do.
- Giving up doesn't mean you are weak. Sometimes it means you are strong enough to let go.
- Kvällsmacka och varm choklad
- Epic fail
- Söndag den femte februari
- Kiss me like you did before
- Stop talking about my past, i don't live there anymore.
- live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending
- Yes I'm smiling - but you're not the reason anymore.
- i can't live without you
- we used to talk everyday, now it's like we don't even know each other anymore.
- Dear haters, I couldn't help but notice that "awesome" ends with ME, and "ugly" starts with U.
- Man kommer aldrig först om man går i andras fotspår.